BreakThrough Psychology provides psychological counselling and therapy for adults, adolescents, children and couples for a range of problems including:

  • Anger management

  • Phobias

  • Work or career related stress

  • Relationship difficulties, including the impact of FIFO

  • Weight management and body image

  • Personal growth and goal setting

  • Health and wellness

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Depression

  • Anxiety and panic

  • Stress

  • Trauma

  • Grief and loss

  • Adjustment difficulties

  • Self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Pain management

  • Problems related to work injury/motor vehicle accident


Small group facilitation, professional development and training can also be provided for community groups and organisations.

How to make an appointment

Appointments can be made by contacting Heather Lowndes on 0400 747 433, or email You may need to leave a message if contacting by telephone, however every effort is made to return your call within 24 hours, or on Monday if your message or SMS is left on a Friday or weekend.

Telehealth Counselling

BreakThrough Psychology recognises that for some people it is difficult to attend counselling on a face to face basis. Factors such as distance, time and shift work can impact upon being able to attend sessions during hours offered. The use of technology now makes it easier for people to access services without being limited to regular office hour appointment times or the need for face to face appointments.

If you require this service please contact BreakThrough Psychology and speak to Heather.  Since November 2017 Medicare has introduced a rebate to support service provision for many rural and regional areas of Western Australia.

When to seek counselling?

Sometimes it’s hard to know when to talk to a Psychologist.  Friends and family are a great form of support, however at times you can feel overwhelmed, and the support from others is not enough. It may be time to talk to a Psychologist if you find that over the last 2 to 4 weeks you are having persistent problems with:

  • Thinking about the same sorts of things or problems over and over again.

  • Feeling constantly worried or anxious about something in the future, or something from the past.

  • Feeling panicky, sometimes for no apparent reason.

  • Finding it difficult to sleep - finding it hard to get out of bed, or not able to sleep much at all.

  • Experiencing mood fluctuations or feeling worthless or helpless.

  • Becoming increasingly agitated or angry.

  • Using unhelpful ways to cope (eg. food, drugs, alcohol, internet or social media).

  • Experiencing changes in eating behaviour (eating more or less).

  • Crying more, or withdrawing more from people.

  • Experienced a traumatic event and having difficulties with flashbacks, sleep and/or concentration.

  • Have a mental health or medical diagnosis that is impacting on psychological well-being.

  • Your usual ways of coping aren’t working.

The above are only some of the reasons why people contact for counselling. If you would like to discuss whether counselling may be helpful for you then you can call to talk about your needs.

What to expect from seeing a Psychologist

Psychologists are experts in human behaviour, and study factors that influence the way that people think, feel, act and learn. Psychologists use evidence-based methods to help people to overcome challenges and improve their lives. They study the brain, memory, patterns of learning, human development and the way people relate to one another.

Psychologists in Australia are required by law to be registered with the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA), just the same as a GP is legally required to be registered. 

When you visit a Psychologist at BreakThrough Psychology you can expect to feel welcome and supported.  The Psychologist will assist you to explore the issues that are concerning you and work with you to consider options and possibilities, and to work towards your desired future.

How appointments are structured

Therapy sessions are individualised and are designed to meet your needs and goals. 

Sessions usually run for 50 minutes, spaced at hourly intervals.

At the first appointment there will be a small amount of paperwork to complete. During the session the Psychologist will talk with you asking questions such as:

  • What do you want to achieve from counselling?

  • What is it that you are most struggling with or having difficulty with, whether it is thoughts, feelings, behaviours or memories?

  • What prompted you to start counselling now?

  • Relevant personal, medical and family history.

At the end of the first session you and the Psychologist will agree on a treatment plan. An estimate of the number of sessions and type of therapy that may be helpful for you will be discussed.

Sometimes there may be tasks to complete between appointments such as a DVD to watch, a recording to listen to, or reading. There may also be other questionnaires to complete to better understand your patterns of thinking and behaviour. These between session activities are negotiated with you during counselling sessions and are used to assist you to continue to make progress.

At all times counselling is delivered at a pace that is suitable for you. If you have any questions or concerns at any time then it is important to raise them along the way so that therapy can be adjusted to more effectively meet your needs.

Confidentiality and Privacy

All services are provided with the strictest confidentiality and privacy. Records are stored in a secure and confidential manner. No information is released without your written consent, unless there are concerns for your safety or the safety of someone else. In this instance the Psychologist has a duty of care under the law to keep you and/or other people safe.

If you are referred by your GP then there is an initial brief report to the GP regarding the referral, and regular reports on your progress. The content of these reports will be discussed with you prior to being sent.

Referrals from insurance companies require regular reports. As with GP referrals the content of the report will be discussed with you prior to being sent.